The world is filled with fascinating animals...on land, in the air, and under the sea. This A to Z challenge, hosted by the KICKS KIDS CLUB (where parents, teachers, and librarians find FREE resources supporting children's character development), will introduce kids to some of the more interesting creatures found in the deep blue ocean....
- Deep sea anglerfish are black, have large stomachs, and can usually swallow food much larger than themselves.
- They can weigh up to 110 pounds.
- The dangling, fleshy strand attached to the top of its head is called a lure and used to attract prey.
A fish that fishes for its food. Amazing!
ReplyDeleteHappy A to Z!
Ninga Minion @YolandaRenee from
Defending The Pen
Murderous Imaginings
Reminds me of another fish, forgotten the name, but it spits at insects in leaves above the water and catches them as they fall.